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Maintenance 06/07/2017[Updated]

Posted: Thu 6. Jul 2017, 22:22
by Jenifer
Have been updated with this maintenance:

- Kafra Operations
- Switched the War of Emperium 2 Town
- New Event: No Death Penalty
- The Boost Drop event continues
- It was planned to decrease the XP rate to x2 this week but since there has been some issues during the week, we will let it at x3 for this week!
- Added French and German translation to the 10th Anni NPC

Bis zum 20/07/17 legt sich ein schützender Vorhang über Midgard, der alle Abenteurer vor dem Verlust von Erfahrungspunkten beschützen wird, wenn der Charakter stirbt.
Wäre das nicht die perfekte Gelegenheit ein Risiko einzugehen?

Until 20/07/17, a protective veil will help adventurers and cancel the experience penalty resulting of an unfortunate death.
Don’t you think it is time to take some risks?